Key Steps for Starting a Broker-Dealer

Key Steps for Starting a Broker-Dealer

Individuals and companies desire to start a broker-dealer for many reasons including to facilitate sales, create an entry point for foreign financial institutions, or be a part of a larger financial plan. Some of the benefits to starting a broker-dealer (vs. purchasing an existing one) include saving money on due diligence, having no prior regulatory or financial issues, and the ability to customize it to fit your desired products and business lines. If you are looking for more pros and cons to starting vs. Buying a broker-dealer, read one of our recent posts on the topic “here”. If you decide Read more about Key Steps for Starting a Broker-Dealer[…]

Outside Business Activity Disclosure Form Best Practices

Outside Business Activity Disclosure Form Best Practices

When creating an outside business activity (“OBA”) disclosure form, it’s important to understand how FINRA defines an outside business activity and what information must be disclosed. Firms can request additional information however it is recommended that Firm’s ensure the required information is collected, reviewed and approved by the Firm’s designated principal. What is an Outside Business Activity? An outside business activity (“OBA”) is defined as a registered person acting as an “employee, independent contractor, sole proprietor, officer, director or partner of another person, or be compensated, or have the reasonable expectation of compensation, from any other person as a result Read more about Outside Business Activity Disclosure Form Best Practices[…]

Office of Supervisory Jurisdiction (OSJ)

Office of Supervisory Jurisdiction (OSJ)

An Office of Supervisory Jurisdiction (OSJ) is an office identified by the broker-dealer as having supervisory responsibilities for agents and branch offices within its region. The OSJ has final approval of new accounts, and retail communication. The OSJ may also make markets or structure offerings Functions of an OSJ Each member must identify to FINRA which of its offices have been designated as OSJs. An OSJ is any office at which one or more of the following functions take place: Order execution or market making Formation or structuring of public offerings or private placements Custody of customer funds or securities Read more about Office of Supervisory Jurisdiction (OSJ)[…]

Website Reviews

Website Reviews

Firms should have appropriately established controls for review, approval, and archiving of all firm related websites and related content. Firms must be able to readily produce all current and historical website content that promotes the firm or any of its covered persons. The firm should establish controls to ensure that all content is approved prior to use by a designated supervisor. Such supervisor is to have appropriate knowledge related to such content requirements. The guidelines below do not represent an exclusive list of considerations that a supervisor must make in determining whether such website complies with all applicable standards. Content Read more about Website Reviews[…]

Gifts and Gratuities

Gifts and Gratuities

Advisory representatives are prohibited from accepting anything of value that might influence their investment decisions or serve to reward them in connection with their investment advisory activities. Additionally, advisory representatives are expected to refrain from knowingly conducting advisory business with any individuals or entities that use gifts, gratuities, or other items of value to bribe or influence others.

The provision and receipt of gifts and business entertainment by investment advisers and their employees are subject to pervasive regulation. Firms are to supervise and document all gifts and gratuities given to or received from any clients and prospective clients. The rule protects against the improprieties that may arise when firms or their associated persons gives gifts or gratuities. Firms must take any action to identify or examine the nature, frequency, extent and dollar amount to determine if such gifts and/or gratuities are in compliance with the firm’s policies. RIA’s are to adopt a policy governing professional conduct and conflicts of interest. Such policy is to provide that all associated persons have high standards of performance, integrity, productivity and professionalism. The firm should monitor for any and all conflicts of interest that could result, including instances of preferential treatment over other clients.

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Material Changes to Form ADV

Material Changes to Form ADV

An investment adviser must promptly update its brochure if the information contained in it becomes materially inaccurate. This updated brochure is referred to as an “interim amendment”. Upon updating the brochure to reflect material changes, the investment adviser should begin delivering the interim amendment to its prospective clients before or at the time it advisory contract with such clients. For some material changes, the investment adviser will be further obligated to promptly deliver the interim amendment to its existing clients.

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