MSRB Revises Content Outline for Series 50 Exam

In June 2016, the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) filed a proposed rule change with the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) to revise the content outline for the Municipal Advisor Representative Qualification Examination (Series 50 exam). The content outline for the Series 50 exam has been amended to reflect changes to the laws, rules and regulations covered by the examination. These amendments also, among other things, incorporate the functions and associated tasks performed by a municipal advisor representative.

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MSRB Rule G-18: Best Execution

MSRB Rule G-18, the new best-execution rule for municipal securities, became effective March 21, 2016. At this point, most broker-dealers registered with the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (“MSRB”) have implemented written policies and procedures for seeking best execution on customer orders in municipal securities. Now, if you are a compliance officer or municipal securities principal at one of these broker-dealers, you may still be pondering precisely how your firm is going to perform and document the required periodic reviews of its best-execution policies and procedures. Many introducing broker-dealers hope to avail themselves of a provision in Rule G-18 that seemingly permits them to rely on the best-execution reviews of their clearing firms. In this blog post, we identify the conditions for obtaining this relief and discuss some of the challenges of relying on another broker-dealer’s best-execution reviews.

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