Communications with the Public – Part II

[Continued from Communications with the Public – Part I]

Investment Analysis Tools

Pursuant to FINRA Rules 2210(c)(3)(C) and 2214(a), firms that intend to offer an investment analysis tool must file templates for written reports produced by, or retail communications concerning, the tool, within 10 business days of first use. Rule 2214 also requires firms to provide FINRA with access to the tool itself, and provide customers with specific disclosures when firms communicate about the tool, use the tool or provide written reports generated by the tool.

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Communications with the Public – Part I

In April 2014, FINRA began a review of its communications with the public rules to assess their effectiveness and efficiency. FINRA later published a report concluding that, while the rules have met their intended investor protection objectives, they could benefit from some updating to better align the investor protection benefits and the economic impacts. To this end, the SEC recently approved amendments to certain FINRA rules governing communications with the public effective January 9, 2017.  The amendments revise the filing requirements in FINRA Rule 2210 and FINRA Rule 2214 and the content and disclosure requirements in FINRA Rule 2213.  Below is a summary of some of these changes.

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