FINRA Membership Interview – Part II

[Continued from FINRA Membership Interview – Part I]

What happens during the FINRA Membership Interview?

During the FINRA Membership Interview, the participants will discuss substantially all of the aspects of the firm’s proposed business. Emphasis will be placed on the FINRA, SEC, or MSRB rules applicable to the firm’s intended business, as well as the firm’s supervisory structure, the background and experience of the firm’s principals and representatives, and plans for future direction and expansion. Questions about how the firm will process transactions and how it will supervise activities to maintain FINRA compliance, among other things, must be answered by the individual(s) who will be responsible for those functions.

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FINRA Membership Interview – Part I

So, you’ve decided to start or own a broker-dealer. You have completed Form NMA, submitted it to FINRA Gateway via the New Membership Application process with all of your supporting documents, and have gone through a round or 2 of information requests with the FINRA Membership Application Program Group (the “MAP Group”).  Now, you have just received a request to sit down with FINRA for the Membership Interview.

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