MasterCompliance continues to provide clients and the public with guidance on industry focus areas, new rules, compliance foundations, and regulatory priorities. This blog explores our top six most popular blog posts.

1.  Form U4 Disclosures

Our “Form U4 Disclosure Obligations” blog discusses some of the important considerations often missed when completing and updating a Form U4. Areas include outside business activities, liens/judgments/bankruptcy, address changes, criminal disclosures, and complaints. 

2.  Anti-Money Laundering 

AML continues to be a hot topic in the regulatory landscape. Our blog titled “FINRA Rule 3310: Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Programexplores the elements of FINRA Rule 3310: Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Program, approval requirements, and the Customer Due Diligence Program which was effective May 18, 2018.  

3.  What is Form U4?

Form U4 is the Uniform Application for Securities Industry Registration or Transfer.  Representatives of broker-dealers, investment advisers, or issuers of securities must fill out the Form U4 to become registered in the appropriate jurisdictions and/or SROs.  The blog, “What is Form U4 and What Sections are on it?“,  breaks down the 15 key sections of a Form U4, along with information on what to expect during the filing process. 

4.  How to Register as an RIA

Our “How to Register as an RIA: State Registration vs. SEC Registration” blog provides a thorough examination of the issue of SEC vs. State Registrations for Registered Investment Advisors. Items discussed include regulatory assets under management thresholds and other registration options. 

5.  Annual Certification of Compliance And Supervisory Processes 

FINRA Rule 3130 (formerly known as NASD Rule 3013) requires the CEO to certify that the firm has a process to adopt adequate Supervisory Policies and Procedures. Above all, the goal of the rule is to “promote regular and meaningful interaction between senior management and compliance personnel to ensure that compliance is given the highest priority by a member’s senior executive officers.”  Our blog, “FINRA Rule 3130: Annual Certification of Compliance And Supervisory Processes“, explores the requirements required under the rule and resources often used to comply with FINRA Rule 3130 

6.  Buying or Selling a Broker/Dealer 

Our firm has been assisting clients with the purchase or sale of broker/dealers and the related FINRA application process since 2003. This blog (“Buy a Broker/Dealer or Sell a Broker/Dealer“) explores the FINRA 1017 process, due diligence considerations, the application submission process, and our customized execution strategy. 

To learn more about our services and how we can help your firm address the above topics, contact us today.