30 11, 2022

FINRA Unscripted Podcast: Membership Application Program – Reviewing and Approving Digital Asset Firms

By |2022-11-30T15:15:33-05:00November 30, 2022|Broker-Dealer, Continuing Membership Application, Digital Assets, FINRA, Private Placements, SEC|

This is a summary of a recent FINRA podcast on Membership Application Program.

3 11, 2022

Notice to Members 06-23 & Your Firm’s Annual FINOP Review

By |2022-11-03T14:58:27-04:00November 3, 2022|Broker-Dealer, FINRA|

Back in the early 2000’s, FINRA (then known as the NASD) came out with Notice to Members 06-23 (“Notice”). This Notice goes into detail about the responsibilities of the FINOP. Whether your FINOP is employed full-time in-house or is outsourced, the Notice applies. There are further considerations for the FINOP if the role is outsourced.

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