Expense Sharing with Third Parties for B/Ds
Expense sharing agreements between broker-dealers and third parties are a hot topic for FINRA and the SEC. Firms and their FINOPs should fully understand the guidelines provided within Notice to Members 03-63. […]
Fraudulent Phishing Emails – A Warning from FINRA
FINRA warns member firms to be on the lookout for a fraudulent phishing emails that are currently circulating. Recently, member firms have reported to FINRA that they have received suspicious emails targeting their compliance personnel. […]
Custody for Private Fund Advisers
If you are a private fund adviser (i.e. hedge fund or pooled investment vehicle), do you know if you are deemed to have custody? If so, is your Form ADV Part I completed correctly? Custody for private fund advisers is regarded by the SEC as an extremely important topic and [...]
Quantitative Suitability – FINRA Rule 2111
Welcome to the third and final part in our series on the three main suitability obligations outlined in FINRA Rule 2111 (Suitability). As with our earlier posts, “FINRA Rule 2111: Reasonable-Basis Suitability” and “FINRA Rule 2111: Customer-Specific Suitability”, we will begin with a brief overview of the three main suitability [...]
Customer-Specific Suitability-FINRA Rule 2111
This post is the second in our three-part series on the three separate and distinct suitability obligations outlined in FINRA Rule 2111 (Suitability). As with our previous post, “FINRA Rule 2111: Reasonable-Basis Suitability”, we will begin with a brief overview of the three main suitability obligations imposed on broker-dealers and [...]
Reasonable-Basis Suitability – FINRA Rule 2111
Although suitability is a well-established principle within the securities industry, broker-dealers and their registered representatives sometimes forget that FINRA Rule 2111 (Suitability) has three separate and distinct suitability obligations. We will begin with an overview of all three main suitability obligations. Then, we will be going in-depth on these areas [...]