Personal Trade Reviews
Citigroup Global Markets Inc. was recently censured and fined $350,000.00 ([PDF] FINRA Case #2019064316401) for failing to have a supervisory system to ensure statements were reviewed timely, as well as not ensuring they were receiving paper statements for accounts at custodians for which they did not have a direct feed. [...]
FINRA’s New Supplemental Liquidity Schedule (SLS)
FINRA has established a new Supplemental Liquidity Schedule (SLS). The new SLS, which members subject to the requirement will need to file as a supplement to the FOCUS Report, is designed to improve FINRA’s ability to monitor for events that signal an adverse change in the liquidity risk of the [...]
Supervising Vendors
FINRA recently released Regulatory Notice 21-29 regarding a broker-dealer's obligation to supervise certain activities and functions of third-party vendors. This is nothing new, but we are seeing a big increase in utilizing outsourced vendors, including CRMs, Electronic Storage, Work Flow software, and IT vendors. Although the following is based on [...]
IRAs and Prohibited Transactions
The U. S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently published their final prohibited transactions exemption regarding investment advice for ERISA plans and IRAs (PTE 2020-02). This exemption is currently effective but allows for a transition period ending 12/20/2021 for Firms to comply. […]
New York IAR Registration Waiver Deadline Reminder
This blog is a follow up to our Change to New York IAR Registration blog, and a reminder that the August 31st deadline to submit a waiver for registration to New York is looming. Effective February 1, 2021, New York now requires Individuals to register in the state. Previously, NY [...]
FINRA’s Annual Meeting and Elections
FINRA will conduct its Annual Meeting of firms on Wednesday, September 1, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time in the FINRA Visitors Center at 1735 K Street, NW, Washington, D.C. The purpose of the meeting is to elect individuals to fill one small firm seat, one mid-size firm seat and [...]