DOL Delay: IRAs and Prohibited Transactions
Earlier this year, the U. S. Department of Labor (DOL) published their final prohibited transaction exemption regarding investment advice for ERISA plans and IRAs (PTE 2020-02). This exemption is currently effective but allowed for a transition period ending 12/20/2021 for Firms to comply. The DOL recently announced a temporary enforcement [...]
FINRA Annual Registration Renewal Calendar
This blog serves as a reminder of important dates related to FINRA's 2022 Annual Registration Renewal Program. If you have any state registrations that you do not want to renew in 2022, you must take action by Friday, November 5th in order to avoid being charged on the Preliminary Statement. [...]
1017 Change in Membership Review
In our 1017 Change in Membership blog we discussed events that would be considered a change in membership that trigger the requirements of FINRA Rule 1017. In this blog we will go over some key areas that firms should cover when reviewing to see if they trigger the application requirements [...]
1017 Material Change Determination
When a member intends to add a line of business, FINRA has shown that this type of expansion is often a significant event that impacts the firm's supervisory and compliance infrastructure, personnel, and finances. When such an impact occurs, FINRA staff is required to verify that the member continues to [...]
1017 Change in Membership
The Firm should review areas of its business to determine if any current or future changes to the Firm's business may warrant a change in membership application (a.k.a. "CMA" or "1017"). FINRA requires firms to file a continuing membership application (CMA) whenever they seek to expand their operations activities, and [...]
Website Reviews
Firms should have appropriately established controls for review, approval, and archiving of all firm related websites and related content. Firms must be able to readily produce all current and historical website content that promotes the firm or any of its covered persons. The firm should establish controls to ensure that [...]